Follow-up to the Advanced Naval Station in Punta de Mita

In the last visit of President Andres Manuel López Obrador on the 22 July 2022 in Puerto Vallarta, the national security cabinet, asked for a meeting with ADEPM , also the admiral in charge of SEMAR works, as well the admiral of ZN12. It took place on the 26 July 2022.

The objective of the meeting was to have a follow up in the construction of ENA ( Naval Station in Punta de Mita – Litibu). Some issues were updated in the collaboration agreement, which will be signed by all the participants of the project, thus , start construction as soon as possible.

On 7 September, another meeting took place with the Vice-admiral An Pa Dem Fernando Ríos Sosa, in the facilities of ZN12 in Puerto Vallarta. The operation of Naval Station in Punta de Mita- Litibú will be under his supervision. This meeting was summoned as he was entrusted from the main Mexico City offices accomplish and start operation this Naval Station.

Martín Franco, the rear admiral and head of the Works and dredged área of the central área of SEMAR. He is responsible for the design, analysis and executive project of the Advanced Naval Station. Will be coming to present the executive project to the ADEPM members, and will show the impact in security will play in the región.

There will also be a meeting between the Governor of Nayarit ; Miguel Angel Navarro, the Director of FONATUR, Javier May Rodríguez, all members os SEMAR, the Mayor of Bahía de Banderas, Mirtha Iliana Villalbazo Amaya, and ADEPM. In order to sign the collaboration agreement, which added an adendum with information about the new authorities in Mexico. Then will start the public security project in Riviera Nayarit.

This meeting will take place as soon as the legal documentation revision is completed. The resources for its construction will be applied in a tripartite investment between the state government, municipality and private sector of ADEPM.. This is in order to keep public security at its very best as it is a worldwide destination.

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