1.- What is ADEPM?

The Association of Entrepreneurs of Punta de Mita and Riviera Nayarit, C. A., is an initiative of a business group, developers, hoteliers and inhabitants of the region to create an organization that supports and regulates the growth and development of the region so that Government entities be related with the established objectives and these be carried out.

2.- What is its background?

In December 2015, the formalization of the ADEPM was announced, in order to increase the capacity and strength of the objectives to be achieved in the preservation of the region before the different levels of government in the country.

3.- What are the objectives of the ADEPM in the region of Punta de Mita and Riviera Nayarit?

4.- Who is exactly, supported by ADEPM?

The purpose is to support the business sector by safeguarding the value of its investments in the region; the inhabitants of the area by improving the quality of life and the Municipality by making it a sustainable place with a clear identity and an appropriate development.

5.- Who can participate as an Active member of the ADEPM?

Anyone interested in the care and preservation of the region and who has been invited by an active member of the ADEPM.

6.- What is the process to participate as an active member of the ADEPM?

You must be invited by an active member of the ADEPM to be part of the association. You will be sent an application form in which you must provide your general information and interests in the area, and then submit your request to vote to all members of the Association. And you must have the support of 95% of the votes in favor of your entry.

7.- What responsibility will I have as an active member of ADEPM?

With the purpose to support the organization for its operation and implementation of strategies, you must contribute with an annual fee. Besides of participating as much as possible, give your opinions and comments to enrich the strategies and elements that will be implemented to materialize the objectives of the ADEPM at the different levels of government in the country.

8.- Why is this so important now?

With the passing of time, the arrival of bigger investors, the demographic growth of the region, deficient urban supervision and the low supply of water, have provoked dramatic changes in Punta Mita bringing different challenges to it. And it is now the precise moment to establish norms that will guide and regulate the region to avoid damage and deterioration to itself.

9.- What instruments are utilized by the ADEPM to regulate the Punta Mita Region?

The fundamental idea is that the people participate in favor of the social wellbeing. The ADEPM carried out a study with highly qualified urbanists, and a Partial Plan for the Urban and Tourist Development of Punta Mita was created; which is a Technical-Juridical instrument that delineates the guidelines to follow for the organized care of the region that contemplates the norms established by the ONU.

10.- Is this a long-term initiative or just an isolated event?

This initiative is considered to be applied in the long term, since the need to have sustainable regions is a permanent requirement that exists throughout the world.

11.- How can I get involved in any of the projects?

If you are not an active member of the ADEPM and your interest is to support one of the projects of the Association, please send us an e-mail to in order to assist you in the best possible manner.



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