Important modifications in the police and good government manual of Bahía de Banderas

Public Order and Safety Bahia de Banderas

Proposes to reform and add the current articles of the Police Manual and Good Government of the Municipality

Applicable to any person who is in the territory, either n authorities, citizens, national or foreign visitors

The ADEPM shares a firm commitment with the Municipal Government towards the citizenship of Bahía de Banderas, for which a work meeting was convened with the purpose of analyzing a Municipal Ordination Initiative, which proposes to reform and add the current articles of the Police Manual and Good Government of the Municipality.

Council Representatives, the Public Safety Commission; Directors of Traffic and Public Safety; Human Rights representatives, Legislators and Municipal Judges, Bar Associations and ADEPM representing the private sector, met together on August 24 at the offices of the Instituto Municipal de Planeación (IMPLAN) led by Beatriz Martinez, JD., to work on the necessary and relevant changes and modifications in the regulations in force according to the needs and demands that IMPLAN detected as a result of the direct approaches it had with the different agencies involved, who explained and based on their daily experience and needs and demands that mandate the correct regulation in their day to day.

El manual de Policía y buen Gobierno Municipal de Bahía de Banderas es obligatorio

Police and Government manual. Regulate: Public Order and Safety, Morals and good manners, The dignity of people according to Human Rights.

The main reason for seeking to modify and reform the current Police and Good Municipal Government of Bahia de Banderas Manual is because it currently establishes repeated provisions with incorrect wording for the legal framework. In addition, its structure deepens in relation to public administration and in an incomplete manner relative to public safety. It also has several articles that are not applicable because they contravene in some manner the provisions of the Political Constitution of Mexico and the internal regulations of each unit.

Today the current manual regulates three things:

With this proposal we seek to regulate:

The Manual of Police and Good Municipal Government of Bahía de Banderas is mandatory for the Municipal Authorities, the inhabitants of the municipality itself, as well as for visitors and passers-by, be they nationals or foreigners. So we invite you to be aware of its modifications and reforms once these are approved and made official, as it is important that you know your rights and your obligations, as well as that of the authorities and anyone who is in the territory of Bahia of Banderas, Nayarit.

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