Good actions are contagious

The Association of Neighbors of AMAPAS

AMAPAS is a group formed by the associations of settlers and owners of downtown districts of Puerto Vallarta and its surroundings, with more than 300 associates. Its mission is to collaborate with government entities and other civil organizations in promoting the general interest of settlers and residents of the area; in addition, they undertake actions that improve safety, and controlled and responsible urban development, among others.

The ADEPM, being an association with clear and well-defined objectives pursuing very similar goals, had the opportunity to share information with representatives of AMAPAS. The purpose is to show them the way that they could achieve to promote strategies that achieve their objectives, based on the ADEPM’s advances in planning, sustainability and urban control issues.


AMAPAS undertakes actions that improve safety, controlled and responsible urban development in Puerto Vallarta

The Neighbor Association of AMAPAS considers that urban growth should depend on the control of the water exercised by the municipality, this with the purpose of distributing the liquid throughout the area without overexploiting the supply and capacities of the water operator in Puerto Vallarta, SEAPAL.

The ADEPM achieved that the representatives of AMPAS put in contact with the authorities of SEAPAL, so that jointly trace the guidelines to follow that will carry out a Territorial Plan of Statutes in the zone of Puerto Vallarta.

For ADEPM it is very pleasant to receive and share with other associations the achievements that have been made and the way in which together we take care of the conurbated tourist destination, all this because we live in the same bay. Being able to make a chain of good actions will allow Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit to be a national example of care for the environment, with a responsible and orderly development, in which everyone feels always safe and its inhabitants have the opportunity to develop successfully.

The ADEPM has open doors for all those associations that are interested in searching for a responsible development in their communities, assessing other organizations in their proceedings elevates the opportunity of joint achievements.

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