COPARMEX Assembly Nayarit 2021
During the month of November 2021, the COPARMEX annual assembly was held. Municipal, state and federal government officials participated in this meeting. As well as the directors of the National COMPARMEX and businessmen from Nayarit and Bahía de Banderas.
The ADEPM was represented by Eng. Valdés Menchaca, who also had the opportunity to address a few words. He recognized the permanence of the employers’ union in Nayarit for 50 years. During this time, companies have been encouraged to develop under highly productive, fully human and socially responsible standards.
COPARMEX is an employer union, which has 261 affiliated companies, which generate around 20 thousand direct jobs. Under the objective of working in the defense of free enterprise and the economic reactivation of Nayarit.
In the assembly, the current statistics were mentioned, in September the formal jobs in Nayarit registered with Social Security exceeded 160 thousand workers, recovering the jobs lost during the 2020 pandemic. However, there is still the need to generate jobs that were stopped creating during the year and a half of the pandemic.
The business sector was called upon to assume responsibility for continuing to create more jobs. Under a social security scheme and that they are well paid. A facilitating government is required to allow us to generate jobs and investments. It is time to support entrepreneurs, micro and small businesses, in order for them to become an engine of economic growth. To achieve this goal, it was proposed:
One measure is to create a guarantee fund. With 30 percent of what is collected by the payroll tax; It is estimated that this tax receives one hundred million pesos annually. The guarantee fund could grant loans for 1,450 million pesos annually. With a term to pay of 48 months, so the state would only have to invest for 4 years, since at the end of the term of the first loans, the fund would be recovered plus the interest generated. In this way it is possible to create a virtuous circle for the economy of Nayarit.

COPARMEX Assembly. Training, in order to turn them into reliable suppliers and link them with companies
Provide training to micro and small companies, in order to turn them into reliable suppliers and link them with medium and large companies that may require their services. If we promote support among the people of Nayarit, we all win.
In the Bahía de Banderas area there are major works pending, which will further promote the development of this important tourist area, such as the Federation Bridge, the much-needed Aqueduct, as well as the completion of the Tepic – Bahía de Banderas highway. It is also very important to support, in a timely manner, with the 3% lodging tax to the Tourism Promotion Trust, to make our destination more known. RIVIERA NAYARIT.
Finally, what was expressed by the governor of Nayarit Dr. Miguel Angel Navarro was taken up again, in a conference, he referred to uniting the public sector with the social sector and the private sector, uniting and harmonizing them, to detonate the development that generates wealth and opportunity for all.