Clean Water for Sayulita, Urgent need in the Municipality

The commitment of the ADEPM and the Municipal Government to the development of Bahía de Banderas from a point of being responsible for the care of the environment ensuring that having quality water for human contact is an obligation that the government, private sector and society must assume.

ADEPM has been working with strong steps with the “Clean Water for Sayulita” project, achieving throughout this span of time, to initiate solid foundations that encompass definitive, effective and practicable solutions with immediate results and in a continuous way even with the long term.

Through CONAGUA, a deep and precise study was conducted, yielded 9 possible solutions to mitigate the pollution of seawater and beaches in Sayulita, directly related to the levels of fecal contamination.

After the participation of State, Municipal, Civil Associations such as ADEPM and PRO Sayulita and the valuable involvement of the citizenry, it was possible to approve and implement the proposal that contemplates that to the 2 existing treatment plants, the one of Lodos and Biodiscos, be added a third team to perform functions online to treat the water of the population and send it through an underwater transmitter at a depth of 30 meters, 2.3 km away from the Beach. A submarine emitter is a conduit through which the residual water is pumped, after a primary treatment, to conduct it at a certain distance from the coast. This measure will have an investment cost of $ 31 million pesos.

To have the necessary resources and be able to carry out this health solution, ADEPM together with the different levels of government and other civil associations achieved that the monetary contribution to make this investment be 50% of the Federal Government and 50% of the State or Municipal Government .

In the following images you can see the advantages obtained in the CONAGUA study and the contribution to the investment. The approved alternative was the number 9.

Propuesta aceptada después de análisis entre empresarios y CONAGUA para saneamiento de agua en Sayulita

“Clean water for Sayulita”. Alternatives obtained in the study carried out by CONAGUA to solve water pollution in Sayulita. Approved # 9

Alternativa que cumple con estándares para saneamiento de agua Sayulita

“Clean Water for Sayulita” Cost of investment and estimated operation for Sayulita treatment plant.


This should lead to an implementation process, being necessary to make the essential adjustments to optimize the conditions of use, in addition to adjust the costs and processes of operation and maintenance as this is a competency and commitment of the Municipality. Clean water for Sayulita is a firm commitment of the ADEPM, with the work of all and the practice of good actions, sustainable measures begin to materialize to live a better life.

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