The elaboration of the project “Partial Plan of the Urban Corridor Destiladeras-Punta Mita” is the first task of the Municipal Advisory Council and Municipal Institute of Planning– IMPLAN

The Municipal Consultative Council is an organ of encounter and coordination of Citizen Participation of the municipality. In other words, it functions as a forum for dialogue and debate with society on issues of territorial order, urban development in the municipality and housing, in order to open the way to listen to the opinion of society on these issues.

What is the Advisory Board for?

The main function of the Consultative Council is to advise the community of Bahía de Banderas, through legally based opinions, objectives and reasons for decision, on issues related to urban planning and development.

In addition, this advice is made through the consultations that are made immediately before issuing the final resolution in the administrative procedures provided by law; also, in the consultations are raised all those matters that require special attention because of their importance or impact.

Plan parcial del Corredor Urbano Destiladeras-Punta Mita

Municipal Advisory Council and  IMPLAN have as first task, to initiate the elaboration of the project “Partial Plan of the Urban Corridor Destiladeras-Punta Mita” Photo: Gobierno de Bahia de Banderas

That is why the Municipal President, Dr. Jaime Cuevas, invited the ADEPM to join the consultative council of Urban Development and Housing for its experience in the subject; also with the intention of promoting and updating the Partial Plan of Urban Tourism and Sustainable Development of Punta de Mita, in support of Dr. Beatriz Eugenia Martinez Sanchez, who is the director of the newly created Municipal Institute of Planning, MPLAN  having as its first task, to initiate the elaboration of the project “Partial Plan of the Urban Corridor Destiladeras-Punta Mita”, in coordination with the Department of Territorial Planning, Urban Development and Environment of the Tenth City Council.

The College of Engineers and Architects was also invited to be part of this advisory board, remembering that they joined together to work for the good of the municipality of Bahía de Banderas, with the vision of a better planned development.

The main idea is to have an orderly urban development, with transparency on the part of government entities, where the economic and social development of the region in the field and tourism sector is also promoted.

Finally, at the meeting that took place to install the municipal advisory council, it was determined to merge the Office of Municipal Tourism with Economic Development and Social Development.

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