Magic Towns in Mexico, the program will continue in the government of Andres Manuel Lopez

The heads of the Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR) confirmed in an interview, that during the current six-year term of office, the Magical Towns of Mexico program will continue in the government of the new President and that it will also support the different states so that they can obtain this badge, through of credits with development banking.

“Continues, and stronger than ever. We will make the technical evaluation, feasibility of projects, that the Magic Towns have the qualification to receive credit from Bancomext, Nacional Financiera, Fira, Banobras and Fonadin”. “Not everything revolves around the Federal Budget; it revolves around technical quality, which can be financed from tourism projects”. The Undersecretary of Development and Tourism Regulation, Humberto Hernandez Haddad, said.

SECTUR  confirms will continue program Magic Towns of Mexico

Magic Towns in Mexico continues in the programs of SECTUR

The Senate of the Republic, specified that, previously, the Federation contributed a part of the budget destined to this program, that is to say, for each peso that it destined, the States and Municipalities put two pesos or a little more.

The Governors of each State will now be the ones who decide how their budgets will be oriented in each entity that has a Magical Town. On the other hand, SECTUR will carry out national and international promotion work; using the “Mexico brand” through the whole network of embassies and consulates that exist in the world with the purpose of promoting the Magical Towns of Mexico.

Humberto Hernandez Haddad said that the Federal Government will present within its National Development Plan 2019-2024, a modern and innovative tourism proposal with new products, although the details will be known during the presentation of the document in the House of Representatives.

“Everything that the tourist innovation of Mexico offers; is to encourage local communities, for a clear idea of President Lopez Obrador; tourism should have an economic, and social impact in favor of communities that have not received their benefits.”, He explained.

“Today it is necessary to join efforts, Municipality, States and Federation for a great goal: the tourist development of Mexico.”

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