Water supply in Punta de Mita affected by droughts and deficient facilities

According to the National Water Commission, drought is increasingly affecting a greater number of regions in Mexico. Nearly 20 percent of the country has some level of drought, the highest percentage since 2013.

The high temperatures, lack of rain and poor maintenance of the water supply distribution equipment, resulted in a shortage of this valuable liquid in the Punta de Mita region last April. This caused that inhabitants of Punta de Mita, Corral del Risco and other nearby communities, blocked the road access, in protest of the lack of water.

Water supply in Punta de Mita

The ADEPM analyzes strategies to supply water efficiently in Punta de Mita

The ADEPM in support of the community carried out technical

studies that allowed analyzing strategies and more options to supply water. In addition to being able to detect leaks in the pipes and installations, as well as do pressure measurements.

During the days of greatest contingency ADEPM, joined efforts to provide the community with this valuable liquid, through the coordination of sending pipes to the elevated water tank and sometimes even from house to house.

The water tank responsible for supplying the liquid to the Punta de Mita region is located on a mountain and operates under the gravity factor. Its facilities and machinery were revised in their entirety, and helped in the location of several and diverse leaks, in addition to the need to change spare parts of the machinery that supplies the water in the region.

After a joint work, all these faults found were already taken care of, the parts changed and the supply system ready to operate correctly. The problem now is the amount of water that the well provides, since it is not enough to supply all the needs of the region, so currently works are underway studying the area to seek the possibility of having new wells that add up to the daily amount of water that the area requires.

We still do not have the final results of these studies, but we have good expectations because during the excavation process some characteristic features have been found on the land that technicians use as indicators of possible water in the subsoil.

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